
  1. M

    Nandrolone Discontinued

    Hey everyone, I have a question that I have not seen posted/discussed - are there any big pharma companies still producing nandrolone (I'm in EU, so that region would be of more relevance for me), but still, regardless of region? I'm in Eastern Europe and there appears to be no nandrolone...
  2. demal

    Pct after deca durabolin

    How to pct correctly after a 10-12 weeks cycle of deca and test? I heard deca can stay in your system for a long time, even several months. Will the dosage of deca after several months still be suppressing my test? If I use NPP, will it also stay in my system for months, even if it's a shorter...
  3. J

    Nandrolone (deca/npp) - any evidence its more harmful than test?

    All the harmful reduction educators sound like an echo chamber when it comes to Nandrolone (probably except Derek who has touched on the same topic briefly). Everyone suggests it's more harmful (increased CVD and neuro toxicity) however I have been unable to find any quality studies proving...
  4. R

    Nandrolone no ester source

    Now here is a fun question (did not see it posed previously)... Nandrolone (no ester) USP / pharma purity anyone? CAS Common Chemistry CAS # 434-22-0
  5. S

    Nandrolone (NPP) and Testosterone cycle with TOPICAL Dutasteride

    Hi All, I am experimenting with TOPICAL Dutasteride and Nandrolone for Hair Loss prevention. Since, topical Dutasteride has been more widely used in the last two years— there is little to no anecdotal experiences online from people using it while on a Test/Nandrolone cycle. We know that ORAL...
  6. M

    Ways to reduce physical (and mental) deleterious effects from nandrolone?

    Just wondering if anyone has a comprehensive list of harm reduction supplements for nandrolone. The only ones I know of are the obvious keep your dose as low as possible and do your cardio. There is another that I learned a few years back about which is to take 5g of taurine while taking...
  7. Tailor

    bold cyp and nad cyp

    Gents, Anyone have experience with Boldenone cypionate and nandrolone cypionate? Looking for receipes.