need help

  1. Watch me

    Need help!

    Currently running: 750mg of testosterone cypionate 400mg of trenbolone enanthate 250/300mg of tudca + nac 20mg of cialis 20mg of cardarine I have a resting heart rate of 120-140 bpm. My question is can I run 40mg of propranolol and 10 mg of ezetimibe while on cycle to help with this? Thanks in...
  2. Millcitymuscle

    Gyno issue, help from the community is needed

    ok so here's my issue. I've never had problems with gyno in the past from any cycles I've ran. But I ran a decca, dbol, test e cycle (later added tren to it) well as time went on I noticed a lump under my right nipple, it's on the lower portion of my Ariola, now I'm not an expert on gyno and the...
  3. RazoBakk

    Bunk gear 6 weeks in

    So I was taking alpha deca and Watson test for 6 weeks. This was from that place with the .net .com issues. Before all that BS took place with who is running it, who's owns it, domestic, then everything went to shit. Several vets vouched for them, hence why I ordered from them. My own research...