new member introduction

  1. D


    always keeping an eye on meso to stay up to date with reliable sources & lab tests posts
  2. G

    New Member saying Hello

    Hello all happy to be here hope to educate myself. So I'm able to offer advice and direction to others one day. Here is a little about me thanks again. I servied in the Army for 4 years out of high school. That is when I first dipped my toes in anabolics. Tes E, Deca and winstrol. I also used...
  3. C

    New member introduction

    What’s up meso. New member here. Been following this forum for years. Finally decided to post an introduction so I can start contribute what I can to help others. I have been working out for 16 years or so now. Nothing serious until about 4 years ago when I started tracking everything as far as...
  4. T

    New member!

    Someone recommend me this forum so let me introduce myself: I'm 29yo female from a small country in Europe. I've been lifting for almost a decade now and I've done some cycles in the past while I competed in powerlifting. I'm No longer competing, but I've been interested in peptides for a while...
  5. S

    Howdy everybody!!

    Ive been on here for about a month now after being referred by a friend. Ive learned so much already. That being said haven't introduced myself, so her it is; Im Sal I've been lifting for about 8 years now, started TRT about 4 months ago after having fucked myself up with sarms(couple years ago)...
  6. N

    New member

    Hello Im new to this forum but been involved in bodybuilding and dabbling for quite some time. I come from EU. Already have experience in taking peds, and the knowledge ,however theres always more to learn. Based TRT+/++ enthusiast with occasional cycle. Tend to stay pretty lean most of the...