new member introduction

  1. Schwerverdiener

    Back in the Game – Former Team Andro Member Starting Fresh

    Hey everyone, I was a long-time member of Team Andro, where open discussions about steroids were possible. My last cycle was in 2013 when I was a student. Since then, life took over: marriage, kids, and building a successful business. Unfortunately, I neglected training, but I’ve been back at...
  2. T

    New member

    Hey everyone. I’m new on here and fairly new to the anabolic world. I have been around them most of my life (seeing the results of using them) but just recently started my first cycle. I have been lifting on and off since a teenager and have been at it for the past 5 years consecutively and hit...
  3. Beirkorte

    Well, now we're here, time to dig in.

    Hello Meso crew and members. I was guided here by a particular discord about peptides and have been trying to learn more about what each peptide shorthand name is, what they're for and so on. I started sema with the assistance of a friend from another forum, taking a slow approach to titrating...
  4. T

    Hello! Just an intro.

    Hey! My name is J, I’m a 22 year old from the Midwest looking to learn about the side effects and just more of the ins and outs of steroid use. Mainly dianabol but I should educate myself on all of them or more of them at the least to figure out what’ll work for me. I’m fairly new to lifting but...
  5. dionetib


    always keeping an eye on meso to stay up to date with reliable sources & lab tests posts
  6. G

    New Member saying Hello

    Hello all happy to be here hope to educate myself. So I'm able to offer advice and direction to others one day. Here is a little about me thanks again. I servied in the Army for 4 years out of high school. That is when I first dipped my toes in anabolics. Tes E, Deca and winstrol. I also used...
  7. C

    New member introduction

    What’s up meso. New member here. Been following this forum for years. Finally decided to post an introduction so I can start contribute what I can to help others. I have been working out for 16 years or so now. Nothing serious until about 4 years ago when I started tracking everything as far as...
  8. T

    New member!

    Someone recommend me this forum so let me introduce myself: I'm 29yo female from a small country in Europe. I've been lifting for almost a decade now and I've done some cycles in the past while I competed in powerlifting. I'm No longer competing, but I've been interested in peptides for a while...
  9. S

    Howdy everybody!!

    Ive been on here for about a month now after being referred by a friend. Ive learned so much already. That being said haven't introduced myself, so her it is; Im Sal I've been lifting for about 8 years now, started TRT about 4 months ago after having fucked myself up with sarms(couple years ago)...
  10. N

    New member

    Hello Im new to this forum but been involved in bodybuilding and dabbling for quite some time. I come from EU. Already have experience in taking peds, and the knowledge ,however theres always more to learn. Based TRT+/++ enthusiast with occasional cycle. Tend to stay pretty lean most of the...