
  1. G

    Information About Genotropins, Hygetropins, shittotropins

    Guys, I see alot of posts about people asking about Hyges, nordis, black tops, gold tops, green tops etc.... am in this business since 2 years in oils, 5 years in hgh , i work in middle east so its a big market for hgh and here some notes to take care of a hgh holding any brand name dosnt mean...
  2. Spartacus2016

    norditropin simplexx 30mg 1.5ml dosage with a 1ml needle

    Hi, Hopefully someone can give me some sound guidance on what I should be pulling on an insulin needle to administer the desired IU The needle I have is a 1.0ml needle starting at 0.1 with 5 smaller increments up to 0.2 and continues up to 1.0ml What the best way to work out where to pull on...