
  1. musclemd81

    Did I get scammed?

    Hi guys, First cycle and I thought I was doing everything right. Got the test cyp 250mg/cc from and injected in my thigh last week and 3 days after. Plan is to do 1cc (250) every 3 days (for 12 weeks with pct after, would get my serum testo tested after about 3...
  2. TheDozer

    Allow me to Introduce myself...

    my name is Dozer, D to the Ozer. Jayz intros aside. Happy to be here. 27 yo 305 bench/405 squat/440 dead, full ROM no straps or belts. Lifting 4 years, sport since HS. 6"0 210lbs (Hovering around 12-15% body fat according to google images). Dr diagnosed back issues on/off since 16. No...