
  1. O

    A kinda newb at least to PED's

    Hey all, I just turned 61 and while I've been a gym rat for about 45 years I am now on TRT and wanted to finally start some PEDs to get some more gains. I am 6'3" and currently 255 having just lost 40 pounds of fat with diet and a small amount of cardio. I have just altered my routine to the...
  2. solo47


    Here I am today, for anyone who may remember me or care at all. I'm certainly not the biggest guy and not nearly even what I was 10-15 years ago. BUT I turned 70 only a week ago, so keep that in mind. (Mirror said: "Selfie Now," so I thought I'd best comply.)
  3. D0017

    I'm back

    I am back on the meso! I created an account back In 2011 under my legal name. Because I was a dipshit. I just wanted steroid information so that I could jump on cycle. I was 21 at the time, 168 lbs, about 10% But I partied every weekend. Got hammered often, diet was shit 60% of the time...