
  1. jimheath

    Comeback cycle

    I haven’t trained for about a year now and I’m about 4 weeks back in the gym and I’m trying to get back to where I was. I’m thinking about running a cycle to recomp and get back to where I was. I’m currently thinking: 40mgs dbol weeks 1-4 500 test w 1-4 750 test w 4-12 50 anavar w 8-12 Any...
  2. Y

    need some peoples opinions

    Hola, I just turned 18 and hopped on my first cycle I started out at 6'1 215 pounds and 9% bodyfat. I'm running 500 mgs of test sustanon with 400 mgs of nandrolone phenylpropionate and .5 caber and 6.5 aromasin and I've been eating 3500 calories a day. I'm on my first week and I think its...