oral only

  1. S

    Enclophime 12.5mg EOD as test base for oral cycle

    Hi, Does anyone have experience with enclomiphene (not clomid) as test base for a cycle with orals such as anadrol/anavar/tbol/dbol? So far i've only seen anecdotal experiences (and bloodwork) from Sarms only users: one had 900ng/dl total test at week 4 of S23+ LGD3303 +LGD4033 (which is a...
  2. gacela

    criticize my cycle

    Hello everyone, I come to post my cycle for summer and that all you can criticize or give advice on how you would do it. First of all, it is a simple cycle to do in summer for not long, it is not my first cycle, and the other cycles I have done have been more powerful. My main goal is to lose a...
  3. trentdh3

    Superdrol only cycle log

    Despite all the negativity on an oral only cycle, especially sdrol, I have decided to stand my ground and run sdrol only for 4 weeks. I have nolva on hand for pct. My package is coming today or tomorrow so regardless I will start tomorrow. But before I do, I am contemplating on starting at 10mg...