pct recommendation

  1. Gbaby12

    Probably the 1000th "Should I Cycle or B&C"thread.

    I'm 27 and I need someone who has been down this road to give me some words of advice. I'm wrapping up a cycle now, nothing crazy, 500test/mast/equip with a var50 Kickstart... week 16, ran hcg eod, taking provirion now while esters break down for 3weeks, then a hefty amount of hcg for 3 weeks...
  2. Bakithegrappler024

    One cycle, at least for 10 years….500 test, 350 nandrolone deca, and 25mg of Var

    So…basically this is going to by my last cycle for 10 years and I wanna go out with a bang. I understand there is a risk of being shut down but my goal is to specifically NOT do that and recover to baseline. I’m Young…not going to specify how young…recovery is not necessarily guaranteed but I’m...
  3. Tankyouverymuch

    Need some advice on 2nd cycle of Tren A, Mast P, Test Cyp

    Hello fellas! I wanted to get some advice here from some of you more experienced members. This is my second cycle ever. Well, third but the second one I ran was fake shit that did nothing for me. I am running the following: 500mg Test cyp/wk 400mg Tren Ace 300mg Mast Prop 12 weeks Start PCT...