pct vs. cruising

  1. Gbaby12

    Probably the 1000th "Should I Cycle or B&C"thread.

    I'm 27 and I need someone who has been down this road to give me some words of advice. I'm wrapping up a cycle now, nothing crazy, 500test/mast/equip with a var50 Kickstart... week 16, ran hcg eod, taking provirion now while esters break down for 3weeks, then a hefty amount of hcg for 3 weeks...
  2. Bakersbound

    Pct vs. Cruising

    I know pct is the best solution after a cycle for multiple reasons but I have read plenty of people just "cruising" instead of doing pct.so for those who choose to cruise could you please explain why and what are the benefits vs. Pct.