
  1. D

    So the fun begins!

    Hello, I am a 180cm tall 85kg 24-year-old guy. I have been lifting weights for about 8 years now so you can imagine I struggle a bit with any progress. Anyway before I jump into the PED train I would like to extend my knowledge. Could you give me some tips for threads? Looking forward to...
  2. TexasT

    How WADA surveils and infiltrates us.

    This is an interesting PowerPoint from WADA giving instruction to people who want to surveil, infiltrate and disrupt boards and forums like Meso. Literally no one reading this post should be surprised by this. It is funny that WADA specifically names MesoRX as deemed “unreliable to the...
  3. G

    6-month cruise on ~350mg Test E, questionable results? Looking for advice

    Hi everyone, long time reader first time poster. I have tried to educate myself as much as I can and tried various things but I think that I am reaching a point were assistance from more knowledgable people would be beneficial. Here is a link with my new-member introductory post that might...