
  1. Havinfungettinfit

    New Member

    Hi Everyone, I'm new here. Looking for great convos and stuff to read on peds. I'm about a year and a half into my fitness based ped journey. I'm loving every minute of it. Esp A-bombs! Wowie! Really hoping to make friends to chat gear with and other things. I'm eager to talk about gear, I...
  2. N

    Dr. Peter Attia on PEDs

    Here is an interesting discussion with Dr. Peter Attia on performance enhancing drugs. View:
  3. saynotodrugs

    Semi-new member

    I've lurked on this forum for years and though I've never done a cycle, I've been on HRT for over 5 years (as I don't produce sufficient test). I've just moved from Germany to the US and am hoping to find/develop a better test protocol (as my endocrinologist in Germany was sub-par and I was...
  4. D

    So the fun begins!

    Hello, I am a 180cm tall 85kg 24-year-old guy. I have been lifting weights for about 8 years now so you can imagine I struggle a bit with any progress. Anyway before I jump into the PED train I would like to extend my knowledge. Could you give me some tips for threads? Looking forward to...
  5. J

    Introduction - 29 Male, Military SOF, EU

    Hi everyone, new member here. Lurker for a while. 29 Male from Europe, work on Army SOF, started lifting more seriously in 2017 (6 years ago) started very skinny with some athletic foundation ~62kg at 1,83m and am almost 90kg today. Started experimenting with PEDS ~1 year ago. Been blasting...