
  1. Type-IIx

    BOLUS: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of human GH and GH Secretagogues: Female Sections

    View: From the author of Anabolic-androgenic steroid effects on libido (Part 2: Women) and coach to female bodybuilders, Type-IIx presents: Bolus: A Practical and Reference Guide for the Use of human Growth Hormone and GH...
  2. Type-IIx

    Bolus: The only GH book you'll ever need is NOW SHIPPING worldwide

    Sahp brothas, and with sections for the laaaaaadieeeez as well, In honor of the eve of the 3rd anniversary [been a long time coming] of the Christmas Day gift from the A GH and fat loss protocol (rhGH lipolysis) that is science-based thread, a protocol from the book, I am pleased to announce...
  3. R

    Hello everyone! Just wanted introduce myself.

    I'm well versed in the world of peptides, so i can answer most questions, and help contribute to the comminuty.
  4. Sthub03

    A Peptide catalogue

    Thanks to our friend heinrich in mesoFr, all you want to know about peptides;)