
  1. cinder

    ROAST ME! pt.2 Second Cycle w/ Pics (Test E, Primo E, HCG)

    hi :) 2023-09-08 Started training again after 1 year break (no AAS) 2023-09-15 Posted my first cycle log 2023-09-22 Started Gamma Bomb 2023-12-30 Finished Gamma Bomb round 1, started Gamma Bomb round 2 + Arms Training Program 2024-03-22 Bloodwork 2024-04-24 Finished Gamma Bomb round 2 +...
  2. cinder

    ROAST ME! First Cycle Results w/ Pics (Test E, Primo E, Trest/MENT A, MK677)

    Had 4 years training and dieting experience before doing my first cycle. Started this gaining journey for mental health, starting at a weight of 125lbs at 5'11 (6ft now, lifting made me stand taller). NUTRITION: When I first started training I was really afraid of wasting my time at the gym...
  3. Vomiit

    Good bulk progress? Or becoming a fat fuck?

    Hey guys, the shreddy pic is from a short lil var cut, and the puffy pic is today (august 2020-jan2021) Weight was 153, now 164-166. What do you put my bf% at? Is this a decent rate of gains or am i just spinning my wheels and putting on chub+water? I know this is all subjective and i could be...