
  1. MetalHeavy6

    Why did i legit feel i was dying, pinning tne blend?

    I pinned the glute with 75mg test no est and 75mg tren no est and 25 anadrol and 50 dbol blend. With 1.5cc pushing in, i had to stop halfway due to a burning uncomfortable sensation. Immediately after i took the pin out, I tasted an overwhelming taste of how it smells, like a dentist office and...
  2. I

    Multiple injection sites

    Hi guys, I'm currently doing Test P EOD and I'm looking to alternate injection sites. Up until now, I've been alternating glutes, but am looking to incorporate my delts as well. What are your suggestions? So far, I've done 1 pin in the delt and it was very painful today so I'm trying to...
  3. primus


    Hey guys. Not sure if there something like this already. I honestly didn't check but I thought it would be interesting and helpful to have a thread on needles. For you experienced guys I hope you share your wisdom and for the noobs... take notes! What size pin preferred for withdrawing from...
  4. I

    Missing a Pin?

    Hi all, I did do some forum searches on this but I still felt the advice was quite differing and wanted a more direct response. I'd be on a 12 week cycle of your basic Test-E only. 500mgs a week @ 250mg 2x a week. My question is- several weeks in, I've got a trip I need to make and I'll be...
  5. BuckEighty

    Injecting into a vein?

    Just finished pinning 1cc test e into my left glute, and started coughing almost immediately after withdrawing the needle. I aspirated successfully, but my question is this - is it possible that I moved the needle into a vein after I aspirated? There was a good amount of blood when I withdrew...