
  1. R

    You have the right to remain innocent

    Two excellent resources for those that haven't seen them (US based). View: https://youtu.be/d-7o9xYp7eE?si=XWMn3Kgn5h-cJ50y Follow up book with more details. Short and quick read. But read it multiple times. Lots of nuance, 5th amendment vs 6th amendment, etc...
  2. A

    Got caught by the bacon first day after picking up some Anavar

    So I live in Orange County NY, there's sort of a heroin epidemic here so of course when I found a source for some Anavar it just so happens to be in the bad part of a certain town. Some guy who sells everything. Most of his customers are heroin addicts, no judgement but nobody I wanna see, deal...