
  1. T

    Top 5 ingredients you look for in preworkout?

    Just wanted to hear from some of the vets or from people familiar with the science [not broscience, ideally actual science], what ingredients do you look for in a preworkout? the most common I hear are.. 1. caffeine [obviously] 2. citrulline or citrulline malate? 3. beta-alanine 4. l-arginine...
  2. jaymaximus

    Making a PreWorkout

    I know many people will nake their own mixing ingredients themselves. If someone wanted to make and sell their own, a) is it legal? (Since it is consumed I dont know if its subject to fdaa) B) is there somewhere to buy mass quantities including tubs, scoops, etc. Also same questions as above...
  3. J

    pct addition. copulins raises t by 150%

    There's a female pheromone (not technically a pheromone) that girls vaginas release when they're ovulating called copulins. They've done studies on it and they found when males smelled synthetic copulins their test was raised by about about 150%. It's legit. I'm not sure if it works all day...