pre workout

  1. T

    Top 5 ingredients you look for in preworkout?

    Just wanted to hear from some of the vets or from people familiar with the science [not broscience, ideally actual science], what ingredients do you look for in a preworkout? the most common I hear are.. 1. caffeine [obviously] 2. citrulline or citrulline malate? 3. beta-alanine 4. l-arginine...
  2. D8122

    Dragons Blood experiences

    Who has used it? What were your experiences, along with dosages?
  3. silv10

    Using Anadrol Ocasionally

    Hello guys , i have a quick question , since Androl is fact acting and short half life steroid , can it be used like test suspension? i mean like , some guys use test suspension for pre workout or for libido enhancement and well being , will a high anadrol dose taken ocasinally give similar...