
  1. Beardedlifter

    Solid results from Super Mandro?

    So I'm having a hard time finding a good source so I went the prohormones route this time. I've used prohormones numerous times in the past, but I've never tried Andro. Anyone here ever use it? How were your gains?
  2. Tyrsson

    first aas after previous ph

    Hey guys how's it going? So I'd like to run my first aas cycle in the next few months. I'm 29, I'll be 30 when I do. I'm 210lbs 5'11". I've been training off and on for the past 12 years with the past 8 being very serious. I train 5 days a week. 1-2 body parts a day for 1-2 hours at a time...
  3. jaymaximus

    Test Boosters vs PH/DS vs SARMS vs AAS

    Hello Meso, My name is @jaymaximus. You may know me as JayMax and remember me from such places as ZerotoHeroes moms bed. Ive seen a few posts / arguments lately about PHs, SARMS, etc. As a member who's tried almost everything I figured I would chime in with my experiences. First off, I have...