
  1. Gigantic

    Human Growth Hormone - QSC vs Meditrope Golden Tops. What the fuck?

    Hi, I bought a ton of kits from QSC and Meditrope and compared blood values. Meditrope Golden Tops - #96 - 5.77mg. Source: theprovider - 1.92mg/day: day 14 = 431 ng/mL - 1.92mg/day: day 30 = 457 ng/mL QSC 15 iu kits - 5mg - 1.0mg/day for 1 month: 145 ng/mL - 2.0mg/day for 1 month: 186 ng/mL...
  2. AD.

    Poll 2 FLT / Part 2 - Choose the product you want to see analysed

    Hi guys, this is the second part of the poll. Qingdao was elected so now let's do the poll for the product. ;) Click here for the previous poll
  3. Olofmeister

    Anavar Qingdao Sigma
