
  1. P

    Unlabeled vials

    Received some packs from QSC bottles weren’t labeled lmaoo anyone know what purple caps are?
  2. C

    How do I differentiate qsc test c and mast e

    How do I differentiate my test c and mast e from qsc? I didn’t realise that they didn’t have any labels. (I haven’t used test c or mast before)
  3. B

    Is HGH decreasing the effects of Tirz and Sema?

    I use WebMD to check my meds and gear for interactions. The interaction that I’m most interested in is my 3-4 IU/ day HGH and 10mgTriz 0.6 mg Cagri weekly regimen. WebMD states that HGH reduces the effectiveness of Triz and Sema. I’ve been on GLP’s for weight loss for over a year and managed...
  4. J

    Fake HCG from QSC?

    I recently got 3,500IU HCG vials from QSC that failed the pregnancy test. I first put about 350IU on one diluted with water, then after that I did over 1,000IU on a new test with less water for a higher concentration. Both returned negative. Am I doing something wrong or should I conclude QSC...
  5. J

    QSC Accutane raw Potency not accurate??

    Received QSC Accutane raw about 3 weeks ago. FYI I have been using Pharma accurate for 4 weeks prior to switching over to QSC accurate (I ran out) and and the effects of accutane have faded away and I am visibly attaining more pimples than before. I am sure it's not QSC's fault but rather the...
  6. Scruf

    QSC Somatropin HGH

    Janoshik testing results. QSC HGH 10iu purchased in October 2023.
  7. J

    Accutane raw oral suspension or capsules

    just received QSC Accutane raw powder and am curious to see the board’s opinion on my matter. Is it better to create an oral suspension out of accutane or make capsules? I have never capped before so it could be a bit risky but I also don’t want the mg/ml to fluctuate each time I administer...
  8. footman89

    Stomach issue on HGH

    Hey :) First time sharing my experience with HGH. I got it from QSC. I started with 2ui per day and after 2 weeks I decide to lower to 1ui (because with 2 the only thing I wanted is to sleep). Best sleep ever btw. Anyways, works good so far until I started with stomach issue (acid reflux and...
  9. J

    QSC Carrier oil - Synthetic or not ?

    Wanted to confirm the carrier oil + solvents QSC use to brew their gear. Do they use any synthetic solvents or carrier oils? More specifically, their Primo E 200mg/mL and Test E 250mg/mL
  10. M

    QSC Primo testing results

    Got primo from qsc tested and results are good
  11. A

    How is this chinese HGH testing better than pharma?

    I have done optitropin and meditrope in the past and since then only ran pharma gh. Huge difference in my opinion, but that's beside the point. I've been researching this forum for chinese GH again so i can run 50/50 pharma/chinese to save money, and have been looking at different janoshik...
  12. H

    HGH Sides/Titration

    I currently received the 150IU kits from QSC and I'm having an issue with side effects. Namely awful sleep quality and numb hands. I guess I will need to start low and titrate up. Does anyone have experience with this? Ideally, I want to get to 3 IU/day as I need to improve my bone density...
  13. gburdell

    Reconstitution of QSC NAD+

    Big Time Noob here, with a question about reconstituting NAD+ purchased from QSC about a month ago. I'd post in the QSC UGL thread where there's been some discussion of this, but again, I'm a Big Time Noob. My apologies for the length of this post, if I'd had more time I would have written...
  14. G

    QSC HGH Blood Testing updates 8/18/2023

    Thought I'd post a new update in a new thread so it doesn't confuse anyone into not buying the QSC HGH. It's good stuff. Here's the original post: Human Growth Hormone - QSC vs Meditrope Golden Tops. What the fuck? So, after extensive testing and communicating with the doctor about the low...
  15. O

    Injection timing for labs (EOD TRT)

    Hey Everyone, TLDR : When is the best time to get blood drawn in regards to EOD TRT injection timing? I am sure this question has been asked and answered, but I couldn't find much on here (maybe I am bad at the search function). Currently doing EOD injections and want to get routine labs, I...
  16. G

    Human Growth Hormone - QSC vs Meditrope Golden Tops. What the fuck?

    Hi, I bought a ton of kits from QSC and Meditrope and compared blood values. Meditrope Golden Tops - #96 - 5.77mg. Source: theprovider - 1.92mg/day: day 14 = 431 ng/mL - 1.92mg/day: day 30 = 457 ng/mL QSC 15 iu kits - 5mg - 1.0mg/day for 1 month: 145 ng/mL - 2.0mg/day for 1 month: 186 ng/mL...
  17. J

    QSC Test E and Mast E Coloured Lids

    I received my domestic Aus order from QSC for Test E and Mast E. One Kit is capped with light blue tops and the other kit in dark blue tops. (attached photo) I emailed the rep on how to distinguish between the two and he replied "QDSIGMADE6 = mast e QDSIGMAT1 = test e". However, I had already...
  18. A

    Quick few questions about test cycle

    So I’ve been doing some research over stuff and i’ve been thinking that I would do test for 12-16 weeks. However I can’t decide between Test E and Test Cyp. I’ve heard Test E causes pip for most people who use it but a lot of people still recommend it. I want to avoid pip so would Test Cyp be...
  19. O

    Any trouble with QSC shipments to western Europe?

    Hi, So, I've ordered from China in the past, and got my gear seized at customs. It was from DragonPharma. Customs sent me a letter telling me to go there and pick it up. I obviously didn't. Now, I want to start brewing myself (as I got underdosed testosterone from a reputable lab...
  20. I

    QSC Cialis raws bunk? (Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd)

    Hey guys, On 11.03 I've ordered (see attached image): - 100g cialis raws - 100g viagra raws My package arrived last Friday, the 24.03. I asked them which number corresponds to which powder and labeled it. I've only tried Cialis so far. The day after receiving I dosed 10mg an hour before the...
  21. devin1218

    Hgh for trade

    Hey guys, I recently placed an order of 5 kits of the qsc hgh. I've only had it for about 1 week but i know it isn't for me! I had tried mk677 and all the different secretagogues and they all seem to make me retain too much water and give me Hella numb tingly hands, so I went ahead and ordered...
  22. BigOldBastard

    Qingdao Sigma Chemicals, Cialis

    This was a cialis raw powder sample that I sent to Janoshik. Bought from QSC. Tested good at 96% purity. No issues.