
  1. Kangaroo_Jack3D

    Systemic rash and hives

    Hey guys I'm curious if anyone else has had this problem after starting a new substance. I've always chosen to go with Grape seed oil as my carrier as I know we jive well. However after doing a bunch of research into DHB 1-Testosterone Cypionate I figured why not give it a go and add in 200mg...
  2. P

    PCT is over, so one wonders, what's next?

    This has been lingering inside my mind lately. Let's say someone recently finished their cycle of Test + Primo or any other compound, they do their pct or hcg, what's next? Is there a waiting period before you can do another cycle? Do people do it right after the pct? All these questions really...
  3. P

    USA shipping

    G’day everyone, I just have few questions for those who live in the United States, since is harder to get gear there how exactly do you deal with shipping from getting confiscated? Do you use an Alias instead of real name and address? How do you usually manage to get your product without any...
  4. D

    Question about cycle

    I am 49 years old I weigh 182 lb solid. I joined this cuz I figured I could have some questions answered and get some more knowledge I do have experience with cycles as I did a few in my twenties and now at my age. I'm on a typical 200 mg test cyp through my doctor TRT. And I added Semaglutide...
  5. D

    Question about Domestic Supply Testosterone Prop

    Okay, This is my first post on here, ever. I recently ordered some Test Prop (Pharma) from DS. I did plenty of research and said f*** it and pulled the trigger. The shipping was super fast, like 3 days. Everything looked nice and legit. I went ahead and ordered a Roids Test Kit off Dave...
  6. SeikaRx

    Pharmaxlab Gears ?

    Hi everyone, have any of you ever used Pharmax(lab) products?
  7. B

    Bottle-top filter USA domestic source?

    What's up guys I'm a new member here at Mesorx and also new to homebrewing, long confusing post here so just bare with me if you can. I've been reading countless threads on here for the past several weeks on homebrewing and have learned lots of very helpful information, but am currently in some...
  8. M supporter - how do I get the badge?

    I donated this morning to It says to send a private message to someone to let them know the amount and tx ID. When I click on it though, it says I do not have permission to view the page. So I signed up for a new account on that forum, which appears to be a different forum than...
  9. T

    testosterone replacement in 19 year old questions

    hello all, I am newly 19 and started trt 3 days ago. I have a couple of questions. where is the easiest and safest way to inject? will doing this make anything bigger/smaller? say if my level was at 300ng/ml and I took 100 would that put my levels up at 400ng/ml? is taking it once every 2 weeks...
  10. J

    Homebrew introductions :

    Hey guys, I have been reading and following meso for a while, but mostly only reading. I decided I'm going to start posting my noobie- homebrew questions & concerns in an attempt to stimulate discussion. I've made a lot of mistakes since first starting to produce my own gear. I'm hoping that...
  11. GearGodess

    WOMEN - ANSWER ALL - Q&A with Meso Ladies

    Alright... since I have been asked several times about a 'GearGodess Q&A' (which I am still considering with my long log bible of various runs with various along with a Q&A for the ladies... I decided ;) with a few nudges from a few male members... to start this thread for all...