
  1. pandatr7

    Liberty Labs - Latest Batch 2027 - Test E

    Hi guys, This is my first thread. There were some concerns about the latest batch of @Liberty Labs . I did some bloodwork. Currently blasting only 800mg Test E Legit 20 weeks
  2. W

    Para pharma

    I know it’s probably not the best stuff in the world but I’m hoping it’s at least real. Can anybody give me any input? Thanks.
  3. 1

    Pharma are you getting legit, clone or fake

    Do you guys know the difference between clone and real pharma? If i gave you the clone and asked you to go online and research if it was legit or not, do you think the evidence would point out the clone as real or the legit pharma?
  4. 1

    Detecting fake steroids

    What methods are you guys using to detect the legitamacy of your gear?
  5. I

    Tbol legit or fake?

    Hey guys I just picked up some tbol today from my supplier. Do these look legit? They have subtle smell of rubbing alcohol but only when you get very close. They are dosed at 50mg per each pill Thanks.