
  1. K

    Swelling and redness after injections

    Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works. However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to...
  2. asinwill

    Bad gear and/or injection site infection

    Hey guys, Long story short I plan on starting my cycle in about a month or so: 250 test E (250 mg/ml) E3D. I’m on TRT and wanted to sample the gear I before the cycle started. That’s when things started to go down hill. Here’s what will help you get a better picture of what’s going on: I...
  3. C

    Redness, soreness, hot to touch injection site.

    i know there is a lot of forums and pages about this but I was wondering because no two situations are the same. Long story short Right now I'm injecting test e and tren e. This is my 6th cycle. Two nights ago I injected into my right arm, delt. .5ml of test e at (250per ML) mixed with tren E...
  4. madeinengland91

    PIP test 400

    Hi guys, I've been on a 12 week cycle of test 400 pro Chem labs. Also tren E 300 along side for the first 8 weeks and a 4 week kick start with dbol 50mg a day. Whole cycle all in all went well! However.... My last jab was on Thursday just gone and I jabbed 1ml test 400 in my left delt...