
  1. T

    Free and bioavaible testosterone charts

    Free & Bioavailable Testosterone Calculator Looking at the chart for 20-30 years old. The reference range for bioavaible T is 83-257ng/dL, for free T it’s 5.25-20.7ng/dL. Translated that means a man in his twenties with a total testosterone of only 187 ng/dL (6.5 nmol/L) and 30 nmol/L SHBG is...
  2. bigrobbie

    Hormones, a brief overview/descriptions

    I wrote this a couple years ago and decided to repost it...hope someone is helped by this info: I combined the hard work and expertise of others to put this hormone list together: Hormone Quick Reference Guide; **(References are listed at the end)** Hormone Organic substance secreted by...