
  1. InjuredGorilla

    How many of you suffer from shoulders problems?

    As the title suggests, I’m dealing with shoulder problems since forever even before training and gym life. And obviously with hard training they just got worse, now I’m on a “run” with shoulder problem both sides for the past 3-4 months, which pretty much consistent on bicep tendinitis that...
  2. Bodybuilder26

    Neck pain that radiates to left shoulder/arm

    Haven't even touched weights in like 3 months due to busy schedule so I can't say its a recent injury but I have had problems for years. Pain starts in the neck and radiates to left side through the shoulder and arm. any of you experience this before? anything that helps? Thx!!
  3. M

    SLAP Tear in Right Shoulder

    As I was preparing to go on my first cycle I have a small accident where I happened to tear my labrum, get fusion fluid in the area & a small cyst. Long story short I fell & broke my fall with my arm, no dislocation just severe pain. Got X-rays & an MRI only to find this out, now I'm being told...
  4. mudbutt22

    Chest Exercises with bum shoulder

    Anyone have any chest exercises that someone can do with an injured shoulder? I have a shoulder injury that's left me unable to to any pressing movements. Dumbbell flys are painful as well. Cables aren't too bad though. Any suggestions? I've been able to find workarounds for every muscle group...