source talk

  1. B

    New here

    Hi all, new member. 35yo male in Australia, Been training for 20 years & started experimenting with gear about 3 years ago. Started with test. Jumped to test mast anavar then started experimenting with tren & Decca on various cycles. Recently lost my source and currently on the lookout for a...
  2. Q

    Boldenone-cypionate course? (Canada)

    Want to try boldenone for the first time. Went through days of trying to find bold-cyp. Still nothing, JetLabs carry it but apparently they are off the market right now. No response to any e-mail. Would really helpful if somebody has a source. Found only sketchy US sourcing carrying it with...
  3. C

    Does anyone recognize this company?

    Just saw someone post about these in a group I’m in and have never heard of or seen labels from this company before. Just seeing if anyone could let me know what company they’re from?
  4. S

    Reliable source in Denmark?

    Hello, so I realize this has probably been discussed before; but i just can't seem to find anyone who's actually willing to and can ship to Denmark, or Scandinavia as a whole, with reliable success rates. Is it really that high risk, that the only way is to find some local street dealer to get...
  5. P

    Is anyone from Europe/ Poland specifically

    Hey guys, I’m trying to find a source I haven’t used a in a little while but it’s really good stuff. It’s from either Poland or Belgium. After some internet sleuthing I was able to find an associated address in Belgium but looks like it was just a front address. Anyways the company name is...