stomach upset

  1. E

    Tirz sulfur burps

    I’ve been on tirz for a few weeks now but had any one gotten sulfur burps ? Or on glp 1 in general and how to get rid of that . I know it can be caused by diet and a few times I know it was because I ate like shit , but I swear I’ve been eating relatively clean . Low fatty foods moderate to...
  2. InjuredGorilla

    Random abdominal pain on cycle

    So I’m on week 7 of my cycle 250/300/450 test e , npp, mast p 4 weeks ago I added 40mg of Var. Last Friday started to get random abdominal pain which is very discomfort and annoying, I would assume it’s from the Var as I didn’t change anything in my diet. Anyone can relate from past experiences?
  3. G

    What's causing my bloat/stomach upsets?

    Hi again guys!, I'm currently going into my 5th week on a (twice weekly pin) of 500mg test cyp. Started with taking the test itself and then added in an ai of 0.25mg (eod) of anastrazole (arimidex) from the 3rd week onwards. I'm 5ft6, 28years old, Started off at 10st 12lbs with 15%bf and I'm...