
  1. 29trt

    IBS treated with AAS

    Here is quite an interesting study using TEST Nandrolone and Winstrol to treat IBS
  2. R

    Harm reduction

    Hi, I'm new in this world, I learned some about AAS and now I'm interested in harm reduction. What should I check on my bloodwork? What are the protocols to avoid as much as possible side effects? I hope some of you can help. Thanks <3.
  3. TuTriX31

    Smart drugs on cycle?

    Hey guys, started a cycle 2 weeks ago but I've read things about test having negative effects on studying. Being a student at the moment this is a concern. Current cycle is: 500mg of Test E - 250mg Mon/Thurs Aromasin EOD Winney in 5 weeks 50mg ED Wondering if anybody has used modafinil...
  4. B

    King's College London research study on the use of anabolic steroids

    Hello, My name is Barnaby Carter and I am a current King’s College Student in London. I would like to invite you to participate in this King’s College London postgraduate research project on the use of anabolic steroids and we are currently looking for volunteers. If you are 18 years of age...