sub q

  1. crater

    IM VS SUBQ Testosterone

    What is everyone's thoughts on Subq vs IM for Test. I am currently injecting subq with with 1/2 27 guage needles. Filling them isn't to bad by just back filling them. And it feels better than using a harpoon I think my clinic had me using a 25 Guage 1 1/2 needle. My levels didnt change much...
  2. A

    New to the forum, not new to AAS, can anyone tell me whats up with this PIP?

    Running 800 test 400 deca 400 mast p, all QSC stacked, but for some reason the Masteron prop is like liquid fire and leaves area around pin site red, i do masteron p am and pm subq injection. any information would be greatly appreciated.
  3. musclesiege

    Subq vs IM

    I did a lot of research about subq testosterone and based on everything it seemed like an amazing alternative to IM with benefits of using smaller needles, more frequent injections to spread it out, and supposedly can have more stable levels. I have been using IM in the glute once per week for...
  4. Harry_ellis

    All About “Floaters”

    Disclaimer: I decided to make this thread because I wanted to compile some answers together in an easily searchable thread that answers some of the questions that keep popping up about “floaters”. This thread is in response to some of the recent developments occurring in the Underground Forum...