
  1. G

    AAS Penile Girth Increase

    Im curious if anyone can recall taking whatever AAS they were on and noticed a major and or noticeable increase in penile girth. Im asking because I have been on and tried numerous AAS, however some have done more in that department than others, and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same...
  2. T

    Injectable superdrol and winstrol hepatotoxicity?

    we know injectables come with less sides and “no” liver toxicity? But is ls that really true, or can they still damage your liver?
  3. acetate jake

    Injectable Superdrol

    Recently picked up a vial of Injectable Superdrol 40mg/ml Only tried it twice so far preworkout 8-10mg. I've notice some nice juicy pumps (I drink 16oz orange juice during my workouts ~60 carbs) . This stuff eats glycogen and fulls the muscles like tren, very comparable compound in the gym...
  4. M

    Injectable Superdrol...with what?

    So I am really keen on trying injectable superdrol here on my next cycle. I decided to scrap the MENT/Mast P/DHB cycle idea. I am going back to my trusty Test/NPP/Mast P (and maybe some DHB, too, sometimes). I did really like DHB--PIP was noticeable but really not that bad at 100 mg/mL when mix...
  5. S

    Anybody run D-drol?

    I have some D-drol I just got. I've never used this compound. I'd like to hear from anyone that has experience with it. Is it comparable to superdrol or dbol or anadrol? Which oral is it most similar to? I haven't seen any logs or posts about it so I figured I'd make this thread. A Google search...

    Dragon Pharma Superdrol 10 - HPLC-UV - 2018-10 - SIMEC via

    Dragon Pharma Superdrol 10 was determined to have actual content of 9.72 mg/tablet methyldrostanolone compared to a label claim of 10 mg/tablet. Steroid analytics courtesy of Dragon Pharma Superdrol 10 Lab Test Results - Anabolic Lab Dragon Pharma Superdrol 10 lab report by...
  7. trentdh3

    Superdrol only cycle log

    Despite all the negativity on an oral only cycle, especially sdrol, I have decided to stand my ground and run sdrol only for 4 weeks. I have nolva on hand for pct. My package is coming today or tomorrow so regardless I will start tomorrow. But before I do, I am contemplating on starting at 10mg...