
  1. Powerlift12

    Supplement Stacks while on aas

    Curious to hear what everyone takes supplement wise for training and also health purposes when using aas. What's your stack?
  2. C

    bulking cycle: second cycle

    hey. first off this cycle I'm going to be trying tren for the first time. i am looking for opinions on any improvements on my cycle plan/idea. fore diet and training i have a online coach that helps me with my macros and exercise plans. my stats are : 5 foot 5inches/ male/ 21 years old/ bf...

    High Protein Bugs?

    Hi there, new to the forum. I was reading some reviews at Cricket Powder Protein that was recommending, as the name suggests, using protein powder made from CRICKETS to support muscle growth! Have any of you guys/girls heard anything about this? If so, does it taste weird? I'd love to hear...
  4. mudbutt22

    Anateaus Labs Achilles

    Just wondering if anyone on meso had any feedback on this? Ingredients are unfamiliar to me and they're a lot different than your typical joint health support. It also claims to help tendon/ligament health as well which is the main reason I'm using it. I have some very nasty...