
  1. B

    Sustanon - injection frequency?

    Greetings fellow BBs, Need some advice on Sustanon here. I'm currently running a cycle of 613 mg Test E and 210 mg Tren E. However, it's been more than four weeks now and since I am someone who tolerates Tren very well as well as high doses of Test, I've decided that I'm going to bump the Tren...
  2. Spike Man

    Test E, Tren E, Sust 250, Dbol..cycle salvage help please

    Good evening fellas, I have ran 4 cycles thus far and all of them have included Test E and Dbol for the most part with some added in Sust on the later cycles, however I have never used Tren of any kind and it was not on purpose that I have come to acquire a bottle of it. With that being said, I...
  3. case3307

    D/bol T/bol Sust question. Please Help

    So my "normal" cycle is; 12 weeks 500 mgs of Sustanon/ week - 250 on Monday - 250 on Thursday 40 mgs of Dbol / daily - first 4 weeks to kickstart Nolva/ Chlomid for pct and gyno management. I have run this cycle probably 6 times and always made good gains. I ordered from my normal source and...
  4. M

    Aggressive Bulking Cycle Help?

    Hey First time posting but been long time lurker. I have done a number of cycles and made some sizeable gains. Started at 210lbs natural lean and reached a lean 245lbs on my last cycle. Really like to get to 260lbs this cycle and looking to go pretty aggressive. Currently I am 36yo, 6ft...