sustanon 250

  1. A

    First cycle response so far

    3 and a half weeks ago I started a cycle on sustanon 250 at 500mg/week. I had a traumatic head injury while injecting because of anxiety and forgetting to breathe. Beginner shit now injecting an ml can be done in about 3 minutes. Anyway I just wanna quickly discuss results and the few sides I’ve...
  2. A

    Help, fainting during injection

    Today I took my first injection ever of sustanon 250, from a reputable UK UGL. I took this intramuscularly via my glute, once I got about 1ml in after a minute of injecting slowly with a 21g needle, I felt a tingling starting from my stomach, moving up to my chest. After this I decided to...
  3. D

    Little help on first cycle

    I’m new in this as you guys notice in the title. I bought Sustanon 250 and was my first week the pip was really bad went almost the whole week, now I already now what to do to minimize it thanks to this forum. So I’m only using sustanon, and I’m reading a lot of first cycles that are not...
  4. Zirpon

    my blood work on 250mg sustanon and 25mg aromasin

    1 blood test: 2 blood test: i inject 1 ampoule of aspen sustanon once a week on Sunday. i also take 1 pill of Pfizer aromasin on Sunday. the first blood work is from Monday. the second blood work is from Tuesday. i bought both the sustanon and aromasin at a pharmacy in turkey. from my...
  5. TexasT

    Local gear for sale in the Farmacias.

    Mexican Border Town Gear Update - Hopped across the border to get some blood pressure meds and tamoxifen today (info posted in the PCT thread). Didn’t see any Aspen Labs Sustanon 250 redijects today. They had plenty of them last month and they were going for $27.00 US each. OUTRAGEOUS price...
  6. shaquille_oatmeal_777

    Is there any way to expedite the elimination half life of AAS?

    Hi all! I began a TRT protocol on January 23 (below). 10 days later, I'm experiencing skin and toe lesions that are aligning with tumors. I'm seeing my primary care doc tomorrow as well. Is there any method in expediting the elimination of these steroids from my body? Thank you in advance for...
  7. Q

    Yellow Sustanon

    Has anyone experienced brewing sustanon and it turned out looking like tren lol? I haven’t experienced this in the past and wonder if this is a 1 off or perhaps something different with the processing of the raws. I can’t remember who i sourced it through so i don’t have a lot of background...
  8. B

    Sustanon - injection frequency?

    Greetings fellow BBs, Need some advice on Sustanon here. I'm currently running a cycle of 613 mg Test E and 210 mg Tren E. However, it's been more than four weeks now and since I am someone who tolerates Tren very well as well as high doses of Test, I've decided that I'm going to bump the Tren...