
  1. S

    Pip potential causes

    Hey guys, first time posting here aside from my mandatory introductory post. I recently switched to a beligas vial of test E 300mg/ml. Pip was horrible and made my injection site swell up like a baseball. Naturally, I assumed the culprit was the high mg/ml content. So I ordered some injectable...
  2. B

    Beginner Questions

    Hi everyone. I’m new to this whole thing, and I have a few questions I’m hoping you can help me with. I’m a 52 year old male who has lifted on and off since my early twenties. I never seemed to be able to gain any mass. My best friend is an executive in a bodybuilding supplement company, and his...
  3. S

    Continuous bad pip + new issue flakes appearing in solvent ba,bb,eo before and after adding gso and test e powder while heating at around 40c.

    Hi guys I have a load of test e that hurts to hell. From what I can tell everything I used was sterile I am aware that this may not be the case, however I will run you through my current situation I may miss some info on my phone it’s hard to type. I have brewed about 3 or 4 batches for...
  4. K

    Swelling and redness after injections

    Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works. However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to...
  5. MWKiller

    Advice on possible infection or other?

    Hi, I've been using Test and others for a few years without issues. I also have used the same lab for a few years. They are a big and pretty respected one from my overall research and understanding. That said I recently (last week around Thur) opened a new Test 500 bottle and injected 1cc in my...
  6. asinwill

    Bad gear and/or injection site infection

    Hey guys, Long story short I plan on starting my cycle in about a month or so: 250 test E (250 mg/ml) E3D. I’m on TRT and wanted to sample the gear I before the cycle started. That’s when things started to go down hill. Here’s what will help you get a better picture of what’s going on: I...
  7. G

    PIP/bad swelling

    So around 3 or 4 days ago I injected 2ml of sustanon. That was my first time using sustanon and before that i had only injected 1ml at a time. I think I forced the oil in too quickly because afterwards the injection side kind of hurt which usually doesn't happen until the next day. For the past...
  8. G

    Post injection pain/swelling

    Hey guys had my first inject for my new cycle Monday i wanted to front loaded so it was 500mg test e and 250mg deca shot into the right glute after the inject blood did squirt out more then usual when i accidently pass through a vein so but aside from that just a little soreness the rest of the...