t3 dosage

  1. S

    Steroids Rookie

    Good morning guys So this is the situation, I'm fat and tall, 275lb with 6feet of height I wanna lose more weight, but is going so slow that I'm getting frustrated, I'm doing this because I wanna feel how is be on testo but being so fat won't help me too much I have my testo on the sky...
  2. N

    t3 dosage

    ive been taking t3 for four weeks now. Started with 25mcg, went to 50mcg. Ive done blood work the other day. My t3 levels are 4.12 pmol/L. Before t3 they were 3.69 pmol/L. Seems more of a replacement dose, so i was thinking of upping the dose to 75mcg a day for the next two to four weeks. Need...