test e cycle

  1. J

    Hello, first cycle preparation

    Hi everyone! I'll first off say how great a community you guys have here, great support, advice and patience for all the new folk starting their journey. I've been doing some research for the last month or so on what would be my first circle. It has changed significantly given the more I've...
  2. Jamie Sutherland

    First cycle + concerns about cholesterol

    Hi guys, So I've been training naturally for about 5 years now and I've decided I'd like to do my first ever cycle. After quite a lot of research I've decided it's going to look something like this: Weeks 1-12: 400mg Test Enanthate 12.5mg Aromasin *EOD* Weeks 13-14: OFF Weeks 15-16: 40mg...
  3. primus

    Test deca eq cycle

    500mg test e 300mg deca 300 mg eq per week arimidex and prami on hand What kind of adex protocol do you guys recommend ?
  4. R

    Cycle advice - Test E & EQ

    Hi, I need some advice on my cycle. I like short cycles. They work very good on my body and I have experienced very good results. This is my third time (my previous cycles were on 2011 and 2014, TestE only). This is how my cycle initially looked. Week 1 - 7: 500mg EQ and 500mg TestE Week 8...