Hey everyone,
I was a long-time member of Team Andro, where open discussions about steroids were possible. My last cycle was in 2013 when I was a student. Since then, life took over: marriage, kids, and building a successful business. Unfortunately, I neglected training, but I’ve been back at...
Hi, I'm almost 39 years old, 174cm/64kg (5'8/141pounds). For last 12 months I worked out 3-4 times per week and I think I have reached my natural limit. I consider steroids to compensate my age and dropping testosterone level. Despite my concentration of T is "pretty high for my age" as my...
Hi to all!
I will have to move in Japan from October to January and I am really worried on how I can inject my testosterone dosage each week.
I really love Japan so I've been there other times for at max 10 days so I had no problem with the injection. I also know that it is not a good idea to...
Analytic testing performed by Janoshik.
1. Qualitative analysis: the sample contains the active ingredient Testosteron Enanthate.
2. Quantitative analysis showed the content of active ingredient: 239.79 mg/mL.
Analysis conducted: 07 Jun 2024
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