
  1. R

    First cycle. Help

    Im 20yo been lifting for 3years. 170cm 73kg Thinking about starting my first cycle 400mg of test C a week. Im thinking about cycling for 12weeks. For pct im thinkin about taking clomid one week 100mg ED, three weeks 50mg ED, two weeks 25mg ED. Let me know if u would change anything. And let me...
  2. G

    question about oral superdrol

    hey guys, is it normal to not feel absolutely superdrol? im doing 20mg per day of oral superdrol in combo with 500mg of test per week. before I only ran stanozolol without testosterone, and the muscle felt full and stiff, now with both testosterone and superdrol, the muscle feels stiffer than...
  3. Khal_T

    CNraws powder Testing reports(For Trenbolone Enathate, Testo E, NPP, GW501516) by Jano--2021.03.30

  4. Khal_T

    Testing reports on Testosterone Enathate by Janoshik on June 1st, 2020

  5. AASraw

    Roids Test Kit on Testosterone Cypionate from AASraw.com
