
  1. Kimmuay

    bangkok Pharmacy recommendation?

    hallo, i been looking around from asok to chit lom but all the pharmacy dont have gear but only testosterone from bayern,rotexmedical,BR and nebido. Do someone has pharmacy recommmendation where i can buy Primo, deca or anavar in BKK?
  2. Kimmuay

    Thailand Cypionax legit?

    I found these around asok and nana pharmacy. I injected twice already and have a well being feeling and can better focus that might be just my imagination. The liquid is not very thick compare to bayer test E and was very easy to draw and inject. what you guys think its legit or fake?
  3. J

    Pharma Grade Gear in Thailand

    Hi all, This year's holiday is set in Thailand, sometime during late November - December. I just wanted to clarify a few things before I buy gear there. I am planning on running a cycle of Test E + Primo E a month or two prior to the holiday and wanted to continue the duration of the cycle...
  4. Zirpon

    Thailand DNP source + steroids

    there is a Japanese company selling DNP in Thailand this is their order dnp from them mention the cas number for dnp(51-28-5) in the email. they will ask you to send them picture of your passport and and other details. it will take around 30 days for the...
  5. L

    Chiang Mai roids needed

    Arrived in chiang Mai and need some juice. Anyone know where I can find some? It's proving difficult. Thanks
  6. Zirpon

    Steroids in Thailand 2022 my experience

    you often hear that it is easy to get steroids otc in thailand. the reality on the ground in 2022 is more complex. let me explain. when you go to a pharmacy in Thailand and ask for steroids they will often give you a catalogue like this: but every thing here is fake. i know because i bought...
  7. PMAN6815

    Thailand trip/buying gear....

    Taking a trip to thailand in December. I currently get my gear shipped from overseas and have been on quite a few cycles. I've been told that gear is legally sold at some pharmacies in Thailand similar to Mexico and other countries. Would it be worth it trying to bring back a few bottles? Has...