the new guy

  1. TomGlass

    Hello brothers and sister

    Hello brothers and sisters I'm a first time member here and love to learn new shit each and every day. Unlike e2 you can never have too much perspective and because of that Im looking forward with eager ears (eyes?) to learn from others. I'm a dude I'm 6"1" 180 and 15%-20% bf, definitely less...
  2. Jared2779

    New member 43 years old Texas

    Hi all. Looking to get a little bigger. I’m already on trt. I’m currently taking 250ml a week, which puts my t level around 900-1000. Other than that I really don’t know much. I’m currently 180lbs around 10 % bf. Would like to gain 10-15 lbs of muscle that won’t go away. I am on trt so I will...
  3. B

    Newb Intro

    Hi guys, newbie here. Quick intro I’m new to any kind of forum bodybuilding or otherwise. Im still learning how to navigate the site. I’ve been training over 15 years now on and off due to life changes. I have supplemented four times now successfully but that’s been 7-8 years ago. However, I had...
  4. S

    Honest advice needed!!

    i get Im new here and I get no one will give up sources to the new guy, so how about some advice on how not to get completely fucked when ordering shit? I see all these ads and sites advertising high quality gear, but I'm guessing at least half of them are bullshit. So any advice on how I'm...