
  1. windowblinds

    Which GLP1?

    Hey all, reading into GLP-1's they seem to be the next big thing, just having problems deciding over picking between sema, tirz and reta. I'm already lean and just need the extra push without using stims/clen etc. I wouldn't be using GLP-1's long-term (except maybe trying in a bulk), more...
  2. bigtom343

    Is HGH decreasing the effects of Tirz and Sema?

    I use WebMD to check my meds and gear for interactions. The interaction that I’m most interested in is my 3-4 IU/ day HGH and 10mgTriz 0.6 mg Cagri weekly regimen. WebMD states that HGH reduces the effectiveness of Triz and Sema. I’ve been on GLP’s for weight loss for over a year and managed...
  3. TukAngel

    ASC-Angel Shanghai Chem
