
  1. timfino

    Dropping down to cruise dose

    Hey Fellas, Just finishing up another great 16 week push. Biggest one yet, finishing up at 725 Test E, 600 Mast, 100 Npp & 6iu GH My inquiry is: Whats everyones favourite/most successful way to drop down to your cruise dose? do you immediately drop down to your "cruise" dose the week after...
  2. H

    HGH Sides/Titration

    I currently received the 150IU kits from QSC and I'm having an issue with side effects. Namely awful sleep quality and numb hands. I guess I will need to start low and titrate up. Does anyone have experience with this? Ideally, I want to get to 3 IU/day as I need to improve my bone density...