
  1. G

    AAS Penile Girth Increase

    Im curious if anyone can recall taking whatever AAS they were on and noticed a major and or noticeable increase in penile girth. Im asking because I have been on and tried numerous AAS, however some have done more in that department than others, and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same...
  2. I

    Stopping steroids - selling left over gear, Trest E, Test C and HGH

    Hi guys, I’ve recently decided to stop all steroids as I’m prioritising different things to the gym and lifestyle now I’m getting older and bloods after PCT have come back perfect so this is it for me. I have the issue of getting rid of some of my gear from my recent cycle! I currently have...
  3. A

    Trestolone Enanthate dosage?

    Hello, this is my first thread. I brewed 250mg/ml Trestolone Enanthate, but I‘m not sure about the dosage. The half life should be shorter than Trenbolone Enanthate (roughly 5-6 days). How would you advise that I split it per week (250mg)? What‘s your experiences with Trest E?
  4. I

    Anyone know how to source MENT (trestolone) Ethanate or Decanoate?

    Been trying to source long ester MENT for months now but haven’t found anything, any help much appreciated
  5. Y

    Why is MENT/trestolone so hard to find?

    I made this account on here to find MENT after seeing it shilled on r/steroids nonstop. I don't see any suppliers that have it for sale. Am I missing something? Can someone point me in the right direction?
  6. M

    Trest, MENT, Trestolone: Who has used it for a blast? Bulk? Cut?

    Howdy y'all. So I have read all about the mental benefits to Trest in the /r/steroids experience thread. I am about to pull the trigger on some MENT and am quite excited about it. I've been looking for it for a while now and finally found some from a reliable peep. CUTTING: I am curious if...