trestolone acetate (ment)

  1. S

    Homebrew MENT 50mg/ml

    I just did 100ml Ment 50mg/ml 5g MENT (displaces about 4.25ml) 82ml MCT 3ml BA 10ml BB Everything is good. :)
  2. 4


    This is blind test of Ment Acetate by PHARMAQO, perfect results. @Mr.PQR
  3. H

    12 week lean bulk, 15 pound muscle gain.

    Hello all, current stats are 6'0 190 lbs at 7-8% body fat. I'm trying to add 12-15 pounds of muscle to my frame to peak at my under 200 LHW class. My cycle consist of: Weeks 1-12 test e at 500 mg a week Weeks 1-12 Tren ace at 400 mg a week Weeks 1-12 masteron prop at 500 mg a week Weeks 1-3...
  4. C150traffic

    Trestolone hype? Ment log with pics

    I am a very ectomorphic body type and hard gainer. At 5'11" I fought at weight 155. The most I ever weighed was 175 at 5% body fat after I ran a cycle of sust years ago. Last spring I started my own business and quit working out and started drinking heavily after long hours at work. so this is...

    Trestolone Acetate (MENT) + IGF LR3

    HELLO PPL I recently did 3 weeks of SARMS cycle , I didn't like them . So, I stopped today. Im going to do blood work soon to see any signs of suppression before I jump to this cycle. Anyhow, I would like to try Trestolone Acetate (MENT) along with IGF-1LR3 . I heard good staff about both...