
  1. Archangel13GT

    Turning My Life Around with TRT

    Hey Everyone, I'm excited to join this community. I’m 31 years old and currently on TRT. A while back, I found out my testosterone levels were super low, around 200, with the lowest being 186. It really affected me—I had no idea that low testosterone could cause so many issues. It blew my mind...
  2. J


    Hello, my name is JC I have been following this site for a couple of years now and has helped me a lot. I’ve been on TRT now for a couple years and I really enjoy it. I would like to learn more about safety and things to help with side effects. Just overall doing things safely and effectively.
  3. C

    Hello TRT

    Hello everyone. I've 29 years old, TRT user. Thanks to accept me. I love car's & bike's.