
  1. B

    Beginner Questions

    Hi everyone. I’m new to this whole thing, and I have a few questions I’m hoping you can help me with. I’m a 52 year old male who has lifted on and off since my early twenties. I never seemed to be able to gain any mass. My best friend is an executive in a bodybuilding supplement company, and his...
  2. M

    How long can you keep BAC water for?

    I have like 20 unopened 30mL bottles of BAC water from various peptide orders (they just gave them for free). Some of them are set to expire over the next few months. From what I can tell, as with most things, the expiration is just an FDA mandate. However, is it possible the benzyl alcohol is...
  3. master.on

    How to get rid of water soluble impurities in raws before brewing

    There's a thread about an @Analyzer test where raws were tainted with Sodium chloride (table salt) Standard Raws (Analyzer) fail and a pass There's another one about oil insoluble gunk on the bottom of the beaker Dragon Ordnance So to get rid of insolubilities you'll try to dissolve raws in...