
  1. T

    How good is yk11 injectable and what can it be compared to?

    Anyone have experience with injectable yk11? Can it be compared to inj winstrol? Or what could it be compared to? I hear it’s the shit.
  2. M

    How do u homebrew yk11

    Just got some yk11powder and I want to make it injectable, what’s the ratios? Somebody have any experience?
  3. Juiceduptothemax

    Injectable yk11

    I am about to add injectable yk11 on to my current cycle I plan to use it preworkout only on chest days as that is a lagging body part and then daily on the last 4 weeks of cycle. I am interested if any of you have tried it. How long does it take to kick in? What was your dosage? How did you...