1.5 month post cycle, 1.5 month to next cycle - PCT or cruise?


New Member
Made some mistakes on my last cycle to say the least. Ran test/deca and naively started Clomid 2 weeks after last pin. No HCG. Obviously (now I know) the Clomid didn't do anything. If I want to PCT I would need to try again, now that it's been 6+ weeks, with HCG then Clomid and Nolva.

Bloods are:
Test: 166 ng/dL (low)
E2: 11.4 pg/mL (normal-low)
LH and FSH: 0.1 and <0.2

I was hoping to do 3 months on/off/on/off, on Sep 1, off Dec 1, on Mar 1, off Jun 1, using 350 test/350 deca for both cycles but I obviously don't have enough time now to PCT now that Deca is out of my system. Do I go onto a TRT dose and start HCG for the next 6 weeks, then do my 12 week cycle with HCG then do a proper PCT after 6-7 weeks? Or even start my cycle now and PCT end of may? I also will end Deca in week 9 or 10 or switch to NPP so that it can clear my system for a sooner PCT. Also considering dropping deca because of the headache it's caused.

I'm 24 male. Given I don't compete, would the smart move be to delay my next cycle (I don't really want to put the cycle into summer because my diet is more strict during the fall/winter/spring) and properly PCT to make sure my HTPA is in working order? Would bridging increase risks?

Live n learn. Thanks guys.
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What shape are you in? That is the realtalk question. If you are in good shape, and you think you could build on this naturally or at least retain it. Give you body a fucking chance IME. No offence pal.
What shape are you in? That is the realtalk question. If you are in good shape, and you think you could build on this naturally. Give you body a fucking chance IME. No offence pal.
Last I had someone check with callipers and did the calculations (7 point) I was 7.26% body fat. I'm still single digits easily. I have no problem cutting naturally but for putting on lean weight I like test/deca.

Was hoping to add another 15 pound by summer but if you think a break is necessary, while not what I wanted to hear, but I'll just have to stick it out. No offence taken.
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