10 week cycle questions


New Member
I am thinking of doing a 10 week cycle of 300 mg test e and I already have the test and some other stuff at hand. One question that I have in mind is how likely I am to suffer a permanent hit to my T levels after a cycle this long. I know the deal with using hcg to keep the balls online during cycle but I would rather not use it for this cycle and the pct (maybe only low doses for the pct) for certain reasons. I can use AI/SERMS for a rudimentary pct though. I am somewhat young and this is my first cycle, so I got that going for me in terms of balls being able to bounce back. I would hate to take a permanent -100 or -150 hit to my TT because of a 10 week cycle I did at this time. I have access to HGH too if that matters for ball functioning, and I will be using a steady dose of AI throughout the cycle.

Also, it is very unlikely that letrozole is faked with a dht derivative anti estrogen right? I am asking this because I was already on a bit of anastrozole and my balls were looking fairly large, and I decided to test letrozole low dose and I feel like my balls shrunk a bit, the opposite of what I was expecting. Letro is kind of low demand I think so maybe they'd fake having it? Though I think the DHT derivatives cost more to produce.
Nobody can tell you that. Gotta find out the hard way.

If you’re concerned about fertility and keeping natural test levels, then leave the drugs alone. Come back when you’re prepared to ruin all that and end up on TRT.

How old are you? Be sure and get full labs before so you at least have a baseline to try and get back too.

Edit: also, if I was that worried about it I damn sure wouldn’t risk it for a 10 week cycle.
10 week cycle is lame and not even worth the effort messing with. Just don't do a cycle if you're only going to run it for 10 weeks.
Nobody can tell you that. Gotta find out the hard way.

If you’re concerned about fertility and keeping natural test levels, then leave the drugs alone. Come back when you’re prepared to ruin all that and end up on TRT.

How old are you? Be sure and get full labs before so you at least have a baseline to try and get back too.

Edit: also, if I was that worried about it I damn sure wouldn’t risk it for a 10 week cycle.
To be honest with you I will be using either way. It's either this or this + hcg. I just wanna know you guys opinion for a 10 week cycle plus pct, though I know no one can give me a very precise answer.

In my 20s.
So 21 lol if you’re gonna do it anyways then just do it. Run test and HCG and report back.
I always tell guys if you want to just run 1 cycle then just pct off. You will recovery your balls with the right pct.
You're going to get just as shutdown at 10 weeks as you will 16. If you're running test only, extend it out a bit to make it worth it. At 10 weeks you're really only 5ish weeks into legitimate tissue gain, the first month+ is just enhanced glycogen retention and recovery speed.

Also, do not run an AI off the rip. You honestly shouldn't need it at that dose at all. Estrogen is not the devil, it helps with loads of stuff including protecting your heart and enhancing recovery. Have some on hand, but do not take it unless you have high estrogen as verified by bloods or you start getting super swollen ankles. You should really go by blood though.

Run HCG at 250iu a week to keep your balls doing their thing to some degree, properly PCT (enclomiphene is vastly preferable to regular clomid) and take care of all other aspects of your health and you'll recover just fine. You might take a very slight total testosterone dip for a few months, but nothing extreme if you do it right.

I don't and have never PCTed, so I can't give you the best advice there. But I can promise you that between enclomiphene and tamoxifen, along with HCG on cycle to keep your balls doing their thing, you're highly likely going to see no lasting negatives once finished.

Seriously though, forget an AI at that dose, and extend the time a bit.
I agree about AI. I have always had high E2 while taking PEDs. I only take an AI if I have sides other than that I roll with it.

I also agree that a 10wk cycle is not worth it. I would extend to 16wk if you have the drugs for it. You won’t do anymore damage at 16 vs 10.

Hopefully you have your diet on point. You can take all the drugs you want but if you don’t feed the beast your just wasting drugs and your health.